School of Health organisation and a world record holder give Maltron Single Handed Keyboards the nod!
The School of Health organisation in Chicago in the USA has recently shown their support for the Maltron Single Handed keyboard by placing a large order for keyboards for people who only have functionality in one hand (ordering both left and right handed keyboards).
These keyboards are designed and shaped to provide the best ergonomic arrangement of keys to give strain free five-digit operation. The letter layout is arranged to minimise successive use of a single finger, which would considerably slow typing pace.
The success of the design was confirmed when a local Vocational Rehabiltation Counsellor in Chicago recommended that a conventional keyboard user should try a Maltron single-handed keyboard. She bought a keyboard and the training manual a few days later and started what seemed the unusual business of typing with only her right hand. Only six weeks later she took a typing test where she reached a new world record rate for one handed typing of 85 words per minute!
Apart from the fame resulting from her new found speed and skill Dianna L Erickson has noticed that she experiences less stress and strain than she used to with a conventional flat twohanded keyboard. One part of her working life that has become simplified is the productton of number-intensive documents such as billing reports and accounting records.
She says, “The design is superb”.
If you would like to learn more about the Maltron Single Handed Keyboards, or our full range of keyboards, visit our website or contact us.
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